Swiss Neurology Specialist
Electro-neuro-myography and botulinic toxin therapy

Dr Sottas


Degree in Medicine from Geneva University in 2002

Doctorate of Medicine from Geneva University in 2004

Postgraduate training in Neurology at the Geneva University Hospitals

Reached the rank of FMH specialist in the Swiss Medical Federation in 2010.

Obtained a certificate of additional training in electro-encephalography (EEG) in 2010.

Obtained a certificate of additional training in electro-neuromyography (ENMG) in 2011.

Former clinical lead at the Geneva University Hospitals

(supervisor of the General Neurology Hospitalisation Unit and co-supervisor for general neurology consultation at the polyclinic).

Areas of interest

Specialized treatment and monitoring of neuro-muscular peripheral disorders

(carpal tunnel syndrome, lumbago, cervico-brachialgia, polyneuropathy, myasthenia, myopathy, etc.) including an ENMG procedure, if necessary.

Specialized treatment and monitoring of epileptic disorders

With performance of an EEG if necessary

Specialized treatment and monitoring of extra-pyramidal disorders

Especially Parkinson’s Disease, including patients receiving treatment by deep cerebral stimulation.

General neurology


Société Suisse de Neurologie (SSN)

Société Suisse de Neurophysiologie Clinique (SSNC)

Fédération des Médecins Suisses (FMH)

Association des Médecins de Genève (AMG)

Groupe des Neurologues Genevois


Author of some twenty publications and papers delivered at international conferences

Languages spoken


