The term "cerebrovascular disorders" refers to a number of brain diseases that are characterised clinically by the appearance of a sudden neurological deficit, due to a vascular problem such as the obstruction (or rupture) of an artery or vein) that is the cause of temporary or definitive malfunction of one of the regions of the brain, referred to colloquially as a stroke (the medical term is “cerebro-vascular accident”).

Strokes are the third most common cause of mortality, and the second most common cause of dementia (after Alzheimer’s Disease), and are all too frequently the cause of patients becoming bedridden, with all the resulting implications for their immediate family. Improving the outcome for patients who have the misfortune to be afflicted by a stroke therefore involves a more profound assessment and highly specialized aftercare, not only in the administration of treatment following a stroke, in order to reduce the risk of a recurrence and to promote better recovery, but also in primary preventative treatment before a stroke occurs, in the interests of reducing frequency and/or severity.

Accordingly, stroke prevention involves not only the identification and correction of cardiovascular risk factors that are known to promote stroke, but also the production of a diagnostic report from CT scanning (scan of the blood vessels in the neck and their intra-cranial branches) in subjects who are at risk (i.e. aged over 50 and/or suffering from hypertension, high cholesterol or sleep apnœa, diabetics and smokers) for the identification of a shrunken blood vessel, in the knowledge that 25% of strokes are attributable to the presence of such shrinkage or narrowing (stenosis). This is why we perform such investigations on a daily basis. They are easy to perform (using ultrasound), non-invasive and entirely painless. 

One of our key self-appointed goals is to follow the old saying "prevention is better than cure", amongst other factors, in the cerebrovascular field. Naturally, it is also our intention to offer all patients the most suitable treatment, allowing them to experience the best possible clinical outcome.