Epilepsy is a relatively common neurological disease that affects about 1% of the general population. Epilepsy that starts in childhood or adolescence is most frequently of genetic origin, but when its onset occurs after the age of 40 a secondary cause needs to be identified, such as a trauma, a seizure or a tumour. 

Clinical manifestations are extremely diverse and, amongst other forms, can present as loss of awareness or generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Symptoms are generally transitory, lasting a maximum of a few minutes, with a relatively rapid or even sudden onset. The preferred method of examination for this disorder is the electroencephalogram, which makes it possible to investigate brain activity in real time.

The electro-encephalogram is the only examination that makes it possible to analyse electrical activity in the brain and it is also useful in detecting other anomalies of brain function, including impaired consciousness, impaired awareness or states of confusion.